Monday, February 28, 2005

Don't leave it until you are one - unless you are stinking rich of course!

I notice that my complete lack of understanding about pension arrangements could be detrimental to me if I do manage to survive into that age bracket. I have started looking into things and came across this useful little site on my travels - - If you are like me and havent done anything yet perhaps you should start here too?

Check your earnings by job type or location

This weekend I was scouring my local paper for a part time job and discovered that a company called Incomes Data Services, the pay analyst and the TUC have joined forces to come up with an interesting new website - Here you can become part of the statistics by filling in their survey and also you can look up the average pay of people who have already been there and done that. Results are by job and geographic location. They are even offering entry into a prize draw to survey participants.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Rasta Chanting, Hornsey Style...

Stumbled across the website of 'Entebbe' a sound system who I go back with to about 1979 when I first met some of the guys when we all worked for 'English Numbering Machines,' an engineering company who were then based in Enfield. I first worked with Patrick in the foundry and later worked with Carlton, Kevin and Tony. We always used to talk sound system and music. I have always attended Entebbe sessions throughout the years whenever possible, good vibes always. Check out their website -

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Rude bwoy Livingstone I presume....?

So poor old Ken has put his foot in his mouth once again... Choosing to fire ill thought out remarks to a reporter whom he feels is morally incorrect by choosing to be renumerated by a newspaper that Ken believes to be run by facists. Just so happens that Ken himself even took their shilling in renumeration when he himself wrote for them in a past vocation. Its about time you took a look in the mirror Ken, some of your own stances and actions could be interpreted as facist and dictatorial these days. Apologise for having had too much to drink, engaging your mouth before putting your brain in gear, learn the lesson and move on you old hypocrite! Next....!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

0870 don't go there...

I see that there is a growing tide of companies that have found a new way of making money and wasting our time. 0870 numbers (7.51p per/min daytime 3.75p per/min evening 1.50p per/min weekend), confusingly similar to 0800 freephone or 0845 lo-call (3p per/min daytime 1p per/min evening 1p per/min weekend) numbers. Basically the company or organisation is getting about 25% of the 0870 call rate everytime you call it. Therefore you will usually find you have to wait a long time before the call is answered, because while your waiting they are earning more money. Don't put up with it - DON'T CALL 0870 NUMBERS!!! There is a website called Say No To 0870 - Prices indicated above were correct according to BT's website during this posting and are also exclusive of VAT.